Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12th, Afternoon

Today is Trevin's 9th day in the Intensive Care Unit. What a ride it has been.... We're hopeful that his ICU stay won't exceed 10 days, but we'll see. Trevin has a way of marching to his own drumb beat.

But, we're happy to report he's doing well right now. As you can see from the pictures, he is completely off of any breathing support and has been since 9 a.m. The nurses thought he would at least need a nasal canula to provide some oxygen, but he's doing well enough with out it so we're seeing how long he can go breathing on his own. He's still working really hard breathing on his own, though, because his lungs are still weakened and he gets tired.

Trevin had another X-ray today, which looked good. The pneumonia appears to be gone now! The plan is to monitor his breathing today, and if he does well enough on his own, he'll likely be moved to the main floor (non-ICU) in a day or two. From there, once he demonstrates that he can maintain his oxygen levels and keep his airway clear, he'll be able to come back home!

These pictures were taken just a few minutes ago. In the top picture, Trevin is giving us a little smile. It's so wonderful to see him getting back to himself.


  1. Hi Trevin, I am glad that you are doing better. I am praying for you. Love,Summer

  2. Trevin, I am praying for you. I love you. I'm you're doing better. Love,Anna

  3. Yea!! So happy to read this update! All our love!

  4. Trevin , it was great to see you yesterday... I miss your smile... I loved talking to you.. You are one special boy.. Keep fighting and get back to school the class is not the same w/o you Love Linda
